Category: World

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Senator Rand Paul works to help non-violent offenders

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Senator Rand Paul is working with Senator Cory Booker to help non-violent offenders. CNN's John Berman speaks with Paul.

Conflict in Gaza has cauesd more than 1,000 deaths

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CCTV's Roee Ruttenberg is live in Tel Aviv with all the latest on what is happening in the Middle East.

Press Obsessed: Putin on tips of talking-head tongues

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For the mainstream U.S. media the Ukrainian crisis is a pretty clear picture. In their eyes, all the complexities involved

Should US intervene in Iraq?

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Phil Mudd and Maj. Gen. James "Spider" Marks debate whether US should provide airstrikes in Iraq.

Dr. Thomas Cairns, survivor of Ebola

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From Minneapolis, Minnesota we were joined by Dr. Thomas Cairns. He fell ill with Ebola like symptoms while working in

‘The world’s most ruthless terrorists’

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The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, is using brutal tactics to gain control of large areas of

The Heat segment two

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Ambassador Samir Sumaidaie, former Iraq Ambassador to U.S. and Luqman Barwari, Kurdish National Congress of North America joins CCTV America

Barrier lake blocked river threatens villagers

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One of the great dangers of earthquakes in mountainous areas are landslides that block the flow of rivers, and that's

Obama’s Iraq problem

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The world is on fire: how is President Obama handling it?

NGOs are pitching in to help China quake victims

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Non-governmental organizations are sending aid to areas in Yunnan Province, China that were impacted by the recent earthquake.

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