Category: Politics

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Dr. Drew: Mental issues can be fatal

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CNN's Don Lemon and HLN's Dr. Drew discuss how actor Robin Williams may have died from asphyxia.

‘Osama’ crosses the border?!

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Why is "Osama" crossing the U.S.-Mexico border?! CNN's Jeanne Moos unmasks a borderline bin Laden stunt.

A “Sin-ful” Workout!

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Jessica Alba discusses training for "Sin City". Daniel Radcliffe and Elisabeth Moss talk love and relationships!

Authors United group takes out ad bashing Amazon.

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Author Rilla Askew and 900 additional authors sign a New York Times ad against Amazon asking to resolve Hachette dispute.

Actor Robin Williams has died at 63

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Comedy legend Robin Williams has died at the age of 63. CNN's Nischelle Turner looks back on the actor's legacy.

Rasmussen: ‘SIS poses potential global threat.’

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NATO Secretary General Anders Rasmussen states the global community is responsible for haulting ISIS.

Erdogan calls for increased presidential power.

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CNN's John Defterios discusses a new era for Turkey after PM Tayyip Erdogan wins as firest directly-elected president.

Bloody battle rages in Eastern Ukraine.

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CNN's Will Ripley details the tense situation inside Donetsk as the Ukrainian military try to regain the city from rebels.

Palestinians restoring power, water access during cease-f…

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CNN's John Vause reports on efforts to ressupply water and power as well as stopping the flow of raw sewage

The fight to help veterans battling PTSD

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Soledad O'Brien previews a clip from the upcoming special, The War Comes Home.

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