Category: Politics

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Jay Carney on his ‘extraordinary experience’

Jay Carney on his ‘extraordinary experience’

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Press secretary Jay Carney gives his last White House press briefing.

Dr. Gupta: I with Hillary Clinton on marijuana research

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CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta explains why he agrees with Hillary Clinton that medical marijuana needs more research.

Rep. King: Ted Cruz living in his own world

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After being told Sen. Ted Cruz didn't know who he was, Rep. Peter King (also a Republican) scoffs at the

Rebuilding still in progress after Typhoon Haiyan

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CNN's Andrew Stevens revisits Tacloban, Philippines a year after Typhoon Haiyan devastated the region.

Mom accused of fatally poisoning her 5-year-old son

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Lacey Spears is accused of fatally poisoning her 5-year-old son with an overdose of saline.

Is Pope Francis sick? Vatican says no

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CNN's John Allen reports on the Vatican's response to allegations that Pope Francis is ill after canceling appearances.

DirectoUSA: Ofensiva en Iraq

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Isidro Sepúlveda de la U. Nacional de la Defensa explica lo que ocurre en Iraq ante la ofensiva de insurgentes

DirectoUSA: La reelección de Santos

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Análisis de Cynthia Arnson del Centro Woodrow Wilson y Roberto Izurieta de la Universidad George Washington

DirectoUSA: El Canciller de Chile

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Heraldo Muñoz es el nuevo canciller de Chile, sobre la relación con EE.UU. y los objetivos del diplomacia chilena

Her selfie led to a stroke diagnosis

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Stacey Yepes' recorded footage of her symptoms which turned out to show her having a mini-stroke.

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